LCA Green Ribbon School Award Winner

U.S. Secretary of Education Names Lakewood Catholic Academy a 2017 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School
The U.S. Department of Education announced that Lakewood Catholic Academy is among the 2017 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools award honorees.

 LCA was nominated by the Ohio Department of Education and was the only school in the state recognized this year!
The aim of U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools is to inspire schools to strive for 21st century excellence, by highlighting promising practices and resources that all can employ. Across the country, 45 schools, nine districts, and nine postsecondary institutions are being honored for their innovative efforts to reduce environmental impact and utility costs, improve health and wellness, and ensure effective sustainability education.
President Brian Sinchak stated, “Lakewood Catholic Academy is proud to receive this national recognition, but more importantly, we are proud of our students and educators who are passionate about caring for God’s creation in thoughtful and innovative ways.”
Brenna Warrell, Dean of Academics, commented, “This award represents many years of hard work and dedication on the part of our faculty, students, and LCA community. Everyone at LCA takes pride in being a Saintly Steward.”
Lakewood Catholic Academy Environmental Leadership Team 

Leah Nagy, Fourth Grade Teacher

Brenna Warrell, Dean of Academics

Ed Kroeger, Director of Facilities

Ken Rogozinski, Chairman of the Facilities Committee of the Board
More information on the federal recognition award can be found here.

While LCA will officially accept the award this summer in Washington, we are planning a school celebration with our students prior to the end of this year. We will keep you updated.

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