Celebrating Earth Day, Everyday!

The earth is our environment to protect and the garden to tend to.  ~Pope Francis

As we welcome spring back into our world, we slowly see the rebirth of the earth around us. We see small buds on trees starting to open, flowers starting to peek their heads through the soil, and birds’ songs being carried on the wind. It is important to remember the importance of taking care of and treasuring these amazing natural signs of life that God has provided to us. At Lakewood Catholic Academy, we are committed to being Saintly Stewards of Creation. A steward of creation is someone who cares for the earth around them and takes responsibility for their actions towards it. Stewards are called to use resources wisely and encourage others to respect the environment. The students of Lakewood Catholic Academy learn about taking care of the environment right from the moment they walk through the doors.

Preschool students are taught to play and experience the outdoors on a daily basis, exploring and discovering the amazing natural earth we live on. As our students continue their environmental education through their primary years, recycling practices and energy conservation are encouraged both in and out of the classroom. Students learn about social justice issues in regards to clean water and global warming. As students enter their middle school years at Lakewood Catholic Academy, they are encouraged to “be the change” and a voice for our earth thus taking on a leadership role in the building and practicing what it truly means to be a Saint.

As Earth Day (April 22nd) draws near, I encourage you to experience the world around you by embracing the natural world in all its glory. One of the easiest ways to do this is by getting involved in your community. Look for ways to reduce your carbon footprint and help our planet stay clean and healthy. Some easy ways to this are by cleaning up the a nearby park, using reusable shopping bags, walking or riding your bike, drinking water from the tap, cleaning up waste after your dog, etc. Earth Day is not just a day to help reduce waste and clean, it is also a day to celebrate the earth. Go for a hike, ride your bike, organize a natural scavenger hunt with friends, visit the zoo, etc. The possibilities are endless on how we can celebrate the earth.

In my classroom, I teach my students that “one raindrop can raise the sea;” one small change can make a difference. So I ask you…How will you raise the sea? What will you do to make a difference in this world? How will you be the change?  Happy Earth Day!

~ Mrs. Leah Nagy, Fourth Grade Teacher

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