Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Be You, Be Seen, Belong ~Brené Brown

Lakewood Catholic Academy is committed to diversity in its many forms. As people of faith who are inspired by the inclusive ministry of Jesus, we believe wholeheartedly that every person is made in God’s image and likeness and therefore has inherent dignity and is worthy of respect, compassion and love.

As an International Baccalaureate World School we firmly believe that respect for a diversity of cultures and a commitment to responsible, engaged citizenship is foundational in an increasingly complex global society.

We are dedicated to thoughtful listening, understanding, and conversation that leads to learning as we continue to improve our school community and work toward a more just and fair world.

No set of actions, programs or initiatives is enough in the important work of diversity equity and inclusion, for the “arc of the moral universe is long.” As such, we will continue to learn, develop, and implement new ways to expand our commitment to creating an LCA where everyone, no matter their differences, is safe, loved and included.

Steps Along the Way

Representation in Artwork and Classroom Resources

  • “We See in You the Glory of the Lord” mural of underrepresented saints in the Catholic church, designed by Chloe Becker, ’16 (pictured above)
  • Diverse dolls and toys in our Early Childhood Learning Program
  • All Saints’ Day celebration focuses on Saints of color

International Mindedness

  • Student service and cultural immersion in Nicaragua
  • Student service and cultural immersion in Ecuador
  • World culture day celebrations
  • Junior Model United Nations training

Intentional Learning Experiences

  • Poets, performers, speakers, and field trips that address age-appropriate issues of diversity
  • Service learning activities that foster opportunities for encounter and conversation
  • UN World Heritage interdisciplinary project
  • Civil rights pilgrimage to Montgomery and Atlanta

Literary and Prayer Resources

Professional Development

  • Faculty committee that shares research and teaching resources
  • Funding for continuing education in Cornell University’s Diversity and Inclusion Program

All Saints' Day Mass

We have the passion and the courage to do this work of justice because our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is grounded in prayer and is encouraged by our faith…

Pope Francis: Address to the Congregation for Catholic Education, 2020

Education should be oriented to the discovery of fraternity that produces the multicultural composition of humanity. Education is called to form people capable of understanding that diversity does not hinder unity, rather it is indispensable for the richness of one’s own identity. Education is an inclusive movement. An inclusion that goes towards all the excluded. It is not a modern invention, but an integral part of the Christian salvific message.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Open Wide Our Hearts, 2018

We need to engage the world and encounter others—to see, maybe for the first time, those who are on the peripheries of our own limited view. Knowing that the Lord has taken the divine initiative by loving us first, we can boldly go forward, reaching out to others. We must invite into dialogue those we ordinarily would not seek out. We must work to form relationships with those we might regularly try to avoid. This demands that we go beyond ourselves, opening our minds and hearts to value and respect the experiences of others.