Best Day of School Ever!

At Lakewood Catholic Academy, we strive to make school fun, engaging, and rigorous every day.  We also work to create memorable, meaningful, and unique learning experiences for our students. In the seventh grade, that experience is the “Best Day of School...

All You Need Is A Book . . .

When I am not at school, my favorite thing to do is to spend time with my family, and more specifically, with my five nieces.   They are all under five, so generally the first part of our time together is spent playing any number of games with a variety of...

Our Faith-filled IB Journey

The lengthy online application read, “Please click the finish button…” to submit. At 4:30pm on Thursday, September 29, we clicked the finish button and submitted our application for authorization as an IB World School. The paradox is striking…we are not...

Faith. Vision. Courage.

Faith. Vision.Courage.These are the virtues at the heart of the Lakewood Catholic Academy story and they remain at the heart of our mission today.We celebrate these virtues as we honor the 10th anniversary of LCA – a school that courageously defied the odds and...