The theme of this year’s 8th grade retreat came from Micah 6:8 – And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
We took time to explore the themes of justice, kindness, and humble gratitude through a variety of activities and reflections. The theme of justice will be highlighted this year as our 8th graders participate in the IB Community Project. This personal service project will require students to make choices, take action, and reflect on their experiences.
Our activities around the theme of kindness led to a recognition that each individual has a story. Appreciating that fact and being willing to share and hear each other’s stories can lead to deeper mutual respect. Students had the opportunity to give anonymous affirmations to one another, which led us all to the realization that we are surrounded by talented, kind, unique people each day, and that we all have gifts to share.
Micah’s call to walk humbly with God occurs more readily when we recognize that our accomplishments and talents are gifts. We receive them from God, and we experience mentorship and help throughout our lives. We took time to write private thank you notes to individuals who have helped us thus far in our journey through life.
As a reminder of our commitment to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God, each student received a shoelace. Our journey is long, and at times it is heavy. May we remember that we do not walk alone.
Eighth grade represents a time of transition. As with many transition phases in our lives, it is tempting to spend time imagining what the future will hold. For some, thoughts of high school are exciting, for others, they can cause some anxiety. Focusing on the future rather than the present can result in us missing the joyful moments, however simple they may be. We concluded our retreat by reflecting on the importance of enjoying each phase of the journey of life. The Station by Robert Hastings was our final reading for the day. Please join us in our commitment to treasure this culminating year with these exceptional children. Let us not forget that these are the good old days!
Thank you for sharing your most treasured gifts, your children, with us.
~ Eileen McGuire and Brian Sinchak