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A Grateful Heart is a Magnet for Miracles

As parents we strive (and struggle) to get our children Christmas presents that bring them joy.  During this season of Advent and Christmas, I encourage you to consider helping your children cultivate gratitude – it can be one of the most important gifts...

You Want Me to Say What?

Praying the rosary once through, for a single set of Mysteries, involves a total of sixty-seven prayers. Fifty-three of those are Hail Marys. In this age of 140-character Tweets (word is they’re expanding to 280), live-streaming and short attention spans, does...

A Father’s Prayer

Dear LCA Families, As a school community we have knelt in prayer and raised our voices in petition to our God in response to the tragedy in Las Vegas.  Our collective heart aches for all those whose lives were lost and those forever altered by this act of...