Student Life
A day in the life of an LCA student is anything but ordinary! A new adventure begins each time a student walks into their classroom, onto the playing field or performs on stage. From athletics, clubs and organizations to the House System and unique academic experiences, students at LCA make lifelong memories during their time as Saints. What’s more, they graduate from LCA with enhanced knowledge and tools that prepare them for success in high school, college and beyond!
Almost all of LCA’s student body is involved in activities outside the classroom. In addition to our rich classroom instruction, there are a host of activities available to our students that challenge them to be their best while honoring the joy and excitement that is part of childhood. Quite simply, there is something for everyone!
Here is a list of some of LCA’s clubs and organizations with which students can get involved:
- 100K Club
- Academic Challenge
- Ambassador Club
- Art Club
- Band
- Blaze, a ministry for 6-8th grade girls
- Be the Change Club
- Chess Club
- Eager Engineers
- H2O
- Junior Model United Nations
- Lego Club
- Living Stations of the Cross
- Saints Showcase
- Saints Say Pitch Club
- Singing Saints
- Speech and Debate Team