Cross Country is open to all LCA and PSR students in grades 1-8.
- Practice begins first week of August
- Practices take place M-TH for 1 hour at Lakewood Park.
- 1-2 grade (intramural) athletes are expected to attend at least 2 practices per week and run over 1 mile total distance during practice
- 3-8 grade (CYO) athletes are expected to attend at least 3 practices per week and run over 1.5 miles total distance during practice
- Athletes must have a pair of quality running shoes and appropriate warm-up clothes
- Current physical must be on file before participation
Intramural Meets
- 4 consecutive Wednesday evenings in September
- Meets are held at various west side locations
- Intramural athletes run 1 mile
- A uniform t-shirt will be provided and theirs to keep
- All athletes participate in every event
CYO Meets
- Saturdays or Sundays from late August through mid October
- Meets are held at various greater Cleveland locations
- 3-6 grade athletes run 1.5 miles
- 7-8 grade athletes run 2 miles
- A uniform consisting of running shorts and jersey will be provided for each athlete to use during the season
- Running spikes may be used during events
- All athletes participate in every event
- A uniform consisting of running shorts and a singlet will be provided for each athlete to use during the season
- Athletes must have a pair of quality running shoes and appropriate warm-up clothes
- CYO athletes may use running spikes during events
For more information contact:
Head Coach Bill Trentel
Phone: 216-522-2944