


  • Current physical must be on file before participation
  • Optional participation in open gyms begins in late July
  • CYO regular season practices begin early August
  • Teams practice between 1-1.5 hours, 2 times/week


  • LCA will provide a uniform top to all players
  • LCA will provide uniform shorts to developmental players
  • Teams wearing compression shorts will purchase their own
  • All players will purchase their own knee pads and shoes


  • The CYO regular season runs from the end of August through the end of October – games are played on either Saturday or Sunday; 1 game per week
  • Each team participates in the LCA tournament as well as 1 other tournament –  location and dates of games depends on the tournament

For more information, contact:

LCA Volleyball Commissioner, Jessie Coffey at jessicagdunn@hotmail.com