LCA Students Participate in United Nations We Day in New York City

At the end of September, I had the privilege of joining a few colleagues and 25 middle school students at WE Day UN in New York City. WE Day is a yearly celebration that works to empower young people to make a difference in their community, to be the change they...

Micah’s Leadership Challenge

WHAT DOES THE LORD REQUIRE OF YOU? The theme of this year’s 8th grade retreat came from Micah 6:8 – And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? We took time to explore the themes of...

Here’s to an Extraordinary 2018!

Fifteen years ago this Sunday, I sat in church and listened to the priest deliver a homily that celebrated the return of the church calendar to “Ordinary Time.”  He poignantly put forth that it is in “ordinary” days that we find extraordinary blessings. ...

A Grateful Heart is a Magnet for Miracles

As parents we strive (and struggle) to get our children Christmas presents that bring them joy.  During this season of Advent and Christmas, I encourage you to consider helping your children cultivate gratitude – it can be one of the most important gifts...

You Want Me to Say What?

Praying the rosary once through, for a single set of Mysteries, involves a total of sixty-seven prayers. Fifty-three of those are Hail Marys. In this age of 140-character Tweets (word is they’re expanding to 280), live-streaming and short attention spans, does...

A Father’s Prayer

Dear LCA Families, As a school community we have knelt in prayer and raised our voices in petition to our God in response to the tragedy in Las Vegas.  Our collective heart aches for all those whose lives were lost and those forever altered by this act of...

All You Need Is A Book . . .

When I am not at school, my favorite thing to do is to spend time with my family, and more specifically, with my five nieces.   They are all under five, so generally the first part of our time together is spent playing any number of games with a variety of...

LCA Green Ribbon School Award Winner

U.S. Secretary of Education Names Lakewood Catholic Academy a 2017 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School   The U.S. Department of Education announced that Lakewood Catholic Academy is among the 2017 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools...

Celebrating Earth Day, Everyday!

The earth is our environment to protect and the garden to tend to.  ~Pope Francis As we welcome spring back into our world, we slowly see the rebirth of the earth around us. We see small buds on trees starting to open, flowers starting to peek their heads through...

Lenten and Easter Blessings

As we embark upon our Lenten journey this year there will be many opportunities for each of us to participate in this special time of preparation for the greatest feast of the liturgical year. Many of us will attend Mass on Ash Wednesday, receiving the sign of...