Preschool (Three-Year-Old Children)
Take a virtual tour of one of our preschool classrooms.
The Brigance is a developmental screening that provides a useful snapshot of a child’s development at a particular point in time. Quick, accurate screens that measure mastery of early development and academic skills can serve as the first step in assessing a child’s school readiness. Educators also use screening to readily identify potential developmental delays and giftedness, and to plan for interventions. The screening tools address the domains of Physical Development, Language Development, Academic Skills/Cognitive Development, and Self-help and Social-Emotional Skills. The domains and skills that we assess for preschool children are listed below. Please note that these are not inclusive to the learning in the classroom and all of the Ohio Learning Standards are embedded in daily instruction.
Language Development
- Identifies pictures of everyday objects
- Identifies colors
- Knows the use of objects
- Identifies parts of the body
- Uses propositions and irregular plural nouns
Physical Development
- Draws basic shapes
- Builds towers with 6-10 blocks
- Improves gross motor skills in the area of balancing
Academic/Cognitive Development
- Knows personal information (name and age)
- Understands number concepts
- Repeats sentences of 4-8 syllables
- Begins to recognize number 1-5
- Knows some letters names and can identify about 10 (usually if it’s in their name)